Work | Motivation | Wealth
“Learn to work harder on yourself
than you do on your job.
If you work hard on your job
you can make a living,
but if you work hard on yourself
you’ll make a fortune.”
– Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn (September 17, 1930 – December 5, 2009) was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.
Jim Rohn
Best Advice You Can Receive
Listen and Learn
Best advice you can receive by Jim Rohn (13:25)
Jim Rohn
Famous Motivational Speech
I’ve Had It!
Famous Motivational Speech I’ve Had It! by Jim Rohn (6:48)
Jim Rohn
It All Starts With A Decision
To Make A Change In Your Life
It All Starts With A Decision To Make A Change In Your Life by Jim Rohn (51:47)
Jim Rohn
Diseases of Attitude
Diseases of Attitude by Jim Rohn (26:33)
Jim Rohn
Three Keys To Greatness
Three Keys To Greatness by Jim Rohn (58:42)
Jim Rohn
(FULL) Best Life Ever
Three Keys To Greatness by Jim Rohn (4:22:37)
00:00 Chapter 1: 5 Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle
27:28 1. Philosophy
48:00 2. Attitude
53:38 3. Activity
1:03:33 4. Results
1:12:46 5. Lifestyle
1:24:24 Chapter 2: Personal Development: The Proven Principles
1:28:10 Money [Value]
1:38:20 Life is Like the Seasons
1:41:37 1. Winter
1:45:35 2. Spring
1:48:09 3. Summer
1:55:10 4. Fall
1:56:20 Physical
1:58:45 1. Appearance
2:00:07 2. Spiritual
2:00:58 3. Mental
2:05:12 4. Library
2:20:28 5. Keep a journal
2:29:50 Chapter 3: The 5 Abilities
2:30:10 1. The Ability to Absorb
2:32:17 2. Learn to Respond
2:39:25 3. The Ability to Reflect
2:48:55 4. Ability to Act and Take Action
3:05:53 5. Develop the Ability to Share
3:11:54 Goals
3:25:35 1. Don’t Set Too Low
3:27:00 2. Don’t Compromise, Don’t Sell Out
3:31:15 Chapter 4: Financial Independence
3:42:01 1. Keep Strict Accounts
3:43:00 2. Develop a New Attitude Communication
3:49:00 4 Steps to Communication
3:51:38 1. Have Something Good to Say
3:56:39 2. Saying it Well
4:00:58 3. Read Your Audience
4:06:47 4. Intensity
4:10:35 Master Negativity
4:13:25 The Day That Turns Your Life Around
4:19:25 The Greatest Challenge in Leadership
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Jim Rohn (September 17, 1930 – December 5, 2009) was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.
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